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Sunday, September 26, 2010

9.23 Jersey Shore PLUS Pauly's Getting a Spin-off!!!!

Yes people, Pauly is getting a spin-off following his DJ career. YAY!!!! Let’s hope that Vinny makes frequent guest appearances.

It’s been so long since we last saw our heroes!! A quick reminder: Angelina is a hypocritical whore and Vinny was stood up. And go…

We find Vinny continuing to wait for his rare rose to show up. She’s not going to. We all knew that last episode. Even when Pauly comes home from his date, poor little Vinny is still sulking.

Angelina and Jose go on a double date with Ronnie and Sammi to celebrate Jose’s birthday. Ah, the two most dysfunctional couples in Miami, a match made in heaven. For some reason Jose is still completely smitten with Angelina, which is a mystery to all of us (right?) When the lovely couples return home after their amazing (snore) date, Ronnie gives the flowers that Vinny bought for his date to Sam. Lame. Meanwhile, Jose was expecting some birthday sex from Angelina, but it ain’t gonna happen.

The next day Angelina lies to her roommates and says she smashed Jose the night before? What is the point of this lie? Apparently she thought that everyone would stop talking shit about her, but guess what! It just infuriates Situation more. But Snooki sums it all up for us, calling Angelina a “loosey goosey”.

Now let’s take a moment to discuss how Pauly is the most underrated person on this show. The girl he is dating is not a ho or a stalker. Plus, watching him drag Snooki out of her bed was the funniest moment of this episode. Also, I am liking that Vinny is his new wing man. Dropping Situation was a good life decision. He even creeps Sammi out.

JWoww’s BF Tom comes to visit. He is there all of five minutes before snooping through her stuff and finds a phone number she shouldn’t have had. He then proceeds to throw a fit like a 6 year old and is ready to leave. Fun visit! Luckily he gets over it quickly and they romantically pick each other’s noses.

Also visiting is Angelina’s friend. I don’t care. They all go out and Angelina decides to mack on Snooki’s former tryst, Dennis. Snooki is absolutely right, Angelina LOVES her sloppy seconds. Also, Situation tries to hook up with a girl in the bathroom. Ew. Security ruins this for him. Then he loses her. Ha ha ha. Also, Sammi and Ronnie are in love again, so they are completely irrelevant to the show now. Other things to be noted from this night: Pauly calls Angelina out on her bullshit and Snooki escapes to Vinny’s bed after tickling JWoww and Toms feet while they were smushing.

Situation’s lady friend leaves a note with her number on the front gate. Not desperate. At all. He can hardly contain himself and decides to clean to entire house in preparation for her visit. Unfortunately, Angelina is incapable of dealing with her monthly situation in an appropriate way and Situation is the one to find the dirty trash can. This can’t end well.

When Angelina gets home from the beach with a new man friend (how does she get all these guys?!) she finds the used pad that Situation left under her pillow. If I didn’t think she was such an awful human being, I might feel a little embarrassed. But I don’t. Then they yell at each other as the credits roll. The typical end to every episode.

But next week…the fight we’ve all been waiting for! Snooki’s beatdown on Angelina! Yippee!

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