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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/11 RHOATL: Dwight DOESN'T get jumped by the heffers

We start with Kim, who is under the impression that she is now a pop star. This prompts her to take her assistant/bestie Sweetie (real name) on a run to keep her body in shape. This lass all of 5 minutes before she decides a beer is in order. Unfortunately, the beer delivery guy only encourages her by singing a little "tardy for the party". Kim also gets invited to Palm Springs to sing in front of 10,000 people. Only the gays.

Kandi is working with Ne-Yo! She knows all kinds of famous people! Is she going to go on a date with him too? Ne-Yo does not approve of Auto-Tune, meaning he does not enjoy "Tardy for the Party". Speaking of...apparently Kim stiffed Kandi out of profits she promised for the unfortunately catchy song. What a beyotch. Kandi also really knows the music business, as Kim delightfully tells us. She knows about microphones and sound checks. Yup, that's what she is good for.

Sheree is going on a blind date, just like a regular person! And she is super nervous, just like a regular person! Hates the restaurant, hates the flowers, hates her date's laugh. Ah, that's our girl! Once she lets her guard down she does have fun (and why wouldn't she, that man is gorgeous!). Even if she is a terrible dancer (just like a regular person!)

We met the other new housewife Cynthia, a supermodel, who looks different in ever scene. She already seems annoying, but maybe that is just me? I mean, what does she mean by "I've been engaged at least three times"? WTH does that mean? Are there times she can't recall? Strange.

NeNe seems to have a real friend in this Cynthia chick, and that makes me feel happy for her, as NeNe seems to be going a little cray cray as of late. Guess I won't dislike Cynthia AS much as I initially thought. However, it becomes a little more clear why NeNe is so cray cray when Brice shows up asking to move back home. Um, the kid got busted for drugs because he went to visit his friend in jail and had WEED in his pocket. Is this real life? NeNe also does something we have never seen on an episode of real housewives before; she has a fairly calm conversation with Dwight in regards to the rumors he spread. They has it out and put it to rest. Just like regular people!

Phaedra, who I now remember is my least favorite (you got off easy Cynthia) shows up to Kandi's performance with Dwight, uh oh! Phaedra sits at a separate table from the rest of the housewives, interesting. We also learn that Phaedra's husband may or may not have been in prison. Finally, she refers to the other ladies as "heffers" NOT cool (because I am weirdly attached to them...?)

Next week: Kim's big performance! Phaedra is going to beat her unborn child! Sheree confronts Dwight!

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